Conducting the Icelandic choir of Europe

Last weekend I had the honour of conducting the Icelandic Choir of Europe, which comes together once every two years and is formed of members of Icelandic Choirs outside Iceland in Europe, 180 singers in total. It was a lot of fun. The concert was held in Aarhus Cathedral, Denmark.
Two new SATB arrangements of mine where premiered: Þegar þrautum líkur (based on an Irish melody) and Nú raddbönd óma, a drinking song.

Ég fékk að stjórna Stórkór Íslenskra Kóra í Evrópu um helgina. Mikið gaman. Tvær nýjar útsetningar eftir mig frumfluttar. Takk fyrir mig elsku söngvarar. #voicelandkoramot